Does the law require you to carry out specific training (eg first-aid training)? See ‘The law’ for more details.
Priorities should include:
those where lack of information and/or training might result in serious harm; those that benefit the largest numbers of staff;
new recruits or those new to the working environment;people changing jobs, working practices or taking on new
people using new equipment.
Consult employees or their representatives for their views.
You must provide training during working hours and not at the expense of your employees. Special arrangements may be needed for part-timers or shift workers.
Don’t forget that though there are many external trainers who can help you, much effective training can be done ‘in-house’.
Choose your methods, for example: giving information or instruction; coaching or on-the-job training; training in the ‘classroom’;
open and distance learning;
in groups or individually; and
computer-based or interactive learning.
You should make sure that you meet the training needs of all of your workforce, including migrant workers who might not have
also people with poor literacy skills or those with disabilities, such as of sight or hearing.
Consider who can help by providing you with information, materials, training courses etc. You could try for example:
National Occupational Standards
trade unions or trade associations;
further education colleges;
private training organisations;
independent health and safety consultants;
employer bodies (eg Chambers of Commerce); and
qualification awarding bodies.
Look to find detailed information and advice on skills and training, including:
the impact of training on business performance;
identifying training needs;
training methods;
how to set up in-house training;
how to evaluate your training;how to find a training provider or course; and
learning through networking with others.
Do your employees understand what you require of them?
Do they now have the knowledge and skills needed to work safely and without
risk to health?
Are they actually working as they have been trained to?
Has there been any improvement in your organisation’s health and safety
What feedback are you getting from line managers and the people who have
been trained?
Is further information and/or training needed?
Was the most suitable training method used?
What improvements can be made?
Has there been a change in behaviour and practice?
It can help you manage training if you keep records, even if it is in-house
You should monitor training records so that refresher training can be given
when needed.
Make sure the information is easy to understand and try to use a variety of training methods to deliver your message. Make sure the trainer has enough time to prepare themselves, their resources and the venue – preparation is particularly important for people who are not experienced trainers.
For information about health and safety, or to report inconsistencies or inaccuracies in this guidance, You can view HSE guidance online and order priced publications from the website. HSE priced publications are also available from bookshops.
This guidance is issued by the Health and Safety Executive. Following the guidance is not compulsory, unless specifically stated, and you are free to take other action. But if you do follow the guidance you will normally be doing enough to comply with the law. Health and safety inspectors seek to secure compliance with the law and may refer to this guidance.
i) Each employee presently involved in operating a process, and each employee before being involved in operating a newly assigned process, shall be trained in an overview of the process and in the operating procedures as speci ed in paragraph (f) of this section. e training shall include emphasis on the speci c safety and health hazards, emergency operations including shutdown, and safe work practices applicable to the employee’s job tasks.
ii) In lieu of initial training for those employees already involved in operating a process on May 26, 1992, an employer
may certify in writing that the employee has the required knowledge, skills, and abilities to safely carry out the duties and responsibilities as speci ed in the operating procedures.
2) Refresher training. Refresher training shall be provided at
least every three years, and more o en if necessary, to each employee involved in operating a process to assure that the employee understands and adheres to the current operating procedures of the process. e employer, in consultation with the employees involved in operating the process, shall determine the appropriate frequency of refresher training.
3) Training documentation. e employer shall ascertain that
each employee involved in operating a process has received and understood the training required by this paragraph. e employer shall prepare a record which contains the identity of the employee, the date of training, and the means used to verify that the employee understood the training.
Friday, June 2, 2017
# समाज
About Durga Pangeni
मन परे दिलमा मन नपरे डिलमा Freelance Blogger.